December 2, 2008

No use crying ‘bout it, I’ll have to do without it and no I wont sit by the phone….

As glitZy glAmy giRly and GORGEOUS as you may be, it happens to the best of us! {boo-hoo} you find out that ur seemingly perfect prince charming of a guy that courts you for eight entire months without even pressuring you for the booty is MARRIED or your long time IT guy just all of sudden no longer wants to be in a relationship….yea I know how selfish and insane of both of those guys….didn’t they know u were the best thing that ever happened to them! {ha-ha, no seriously 80/20} but anyways here are my:


5. This is probably the most fattening, BUT doing it for 1 weekend won’t hurt. INDULGE! -in whatever it is you love- If you’re a chocolate craver, then head over to godiva and spend $50 or so on ur favorite treats….if it’s pizza u love-then call Pizza Hut and eat an entire large cheese and pepperoni pie…..whatever food it is u love- PIG OUT!!! {but don’t forget to hit the gym triple hard the following week, at least if u plan on getting back in the dating game!}

4. DRIFT AWAY FROM REALITY!!! So maybe u can’t afford a last minute get away to MIAMI or Vegas, but u can pop in a movie and it might do the trick. Avoid the Love and Basketball-Brown Sugar-Lovey Dovey types that just might increase ur heartache, instead go for something funny, something that will easily take ur mind off ur current situation!

3. Unlike tip #5, this suggestion may actually have u shedding a few pounds! STAY ACTIVE. It’s nothing like sitting around being idle and having all the time in the world to think reminisce and probably text or even call that evil bastard {oops did I say that} so hit the gym, clean out and reorganize ur shoe closet, go wash ur car, babysit some little cousins, anything to keep ur mind busy for a bit!

2. So texting, e-mailing, voicemailing HIM probably aren’t good suggestions because chances are you really have NOTHING NICE to say! {and speaking in anger won’t help the situation} but WRITING it all out for your eyes only might help! If writing doesn’t typically excite you, then visit Target and purchase a really cute {glitzy glamy girly} notebook or journal! Whatever comes to mind, just write it. Don’t concern yourself with grammar or spelling, just keep the pen moving {or if you wanna type it out then do so!} I promise and hour of writing daily will get a lot off ur chest and u will probably feel a lot better!

1. GIRL TIME!!!! Even though you will probably feel like locking yourself in your room or even burying yourself in a hole- don’t do it! Instead of hibernating, get yourself real glamy! Hair-Make-up-Hot Outfit {nice time to hit up a spa or the nail or hair salon} and just go Hang with the Girlies!!! No matter what you all decide to do, just being with people you love and that love you back will make you feel so so so much better!
Hope these Help and trust me i'm paying close attention as well! until next time, stay 3g!


Anonymous said...

i take it u just went tthru a break up? sorry 2 hear

Anonymous said...

those r all great pickme ups, trust me, been there done that. keep em coming grl!

Anonymous said...

Hm, this again. well u know how i feel. but with the top 5 pick-me-ups, u couldnt have been more correct! they seem to work on everybody i know thats becoming a broken-hearted girl.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that your smiling again. No use moping around, have to make yourself happy! Love the Pick-me ups

Andee D. said...

To Anon{4:05- yea i experienced something that i had never before in life gone through or want anyone else to, but u live, learn, and move forward! and writing on my blog has helped me overcome!!

Andee D. said...

thanks for reading jess!

Andee D. said...

and E and Nae, thanks for reading and i know u both are happy that i am once again HAPPY! thanks for being there, mwah.